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Wolf hunt law headed for ’14 ballot

LANSING, MI (MPRN)--   Voters will decide the fate of a state law that allows wildlife officials to set wolf hunting seasons in the Upper Peninsula.

As Michigan Public Radio’s Rick Pluta reports the referendum has been approved for the November 2014 ballot: 


A state elections board agreed the "Keep Michigan Wolves Protected" campaign gathered more than enough petition signatures to get the challenge on the ballot. That also suspends the law until voters decide.

But the Legislature and Governor Rick Snyder also approved a second law. It circumvents the referendum and still allows the state to establish wolf seasons.

Jill Fritz of "Keep Michigan Wolves Protected" says the campaign could attempt another referendum, or go to court.

"There could be some legal issues involved," she says.  "We’re still looking at all of the options."

Michigan’s first wolf season is slated for this coming November. Supporters of the hunt say it’s needed to help control wolf attacks on pets and livestock in the Upper Peninsula.

For the Michigan Public Radio Network, I’m Rick Pluta at the state Capitol.

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