An international festival is returning to Northern Michigan University's campus.
NMU's All Nations Club is a student organization formed by international and local students seeking to share their culture and experiences from their countries and have fun meeting people from all over the world.
The club will present the return of an event called Passport to the World on November 15th. NMU students will represent more than 10 countries in a casual gathering and presentation to learn and engage with international students.
Public Radio 90 intern Yaqing Li interviewed Lila Isleib from the International Office and Student President Awa Christine Ndiaye about the return of the Passport to the World event:
The Passport to the World event takes place Tuesday, November 15th from 4 - 6 pm in Whitman Hall on Northern Michigan University's campus. All are welcome and the event is free. More information can be found on (NMU Login Required)
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