Become An Underwriter
This station does not discriminate in the sale of underwriting time, and will accept no underwriting which is placed with an intent to discriminate on the basis of race, gender or ethnicity. Underwriter hereby certifies that it is not buying broadcasting air time under this underwriting agreement for a discriminatory purpose, including but not limited to decisions not to place underwriting on particular stations on the basis of race, gender, national origin, or ancestry.
Why become an underwriter?
Public Radio 90 has been providing the best in programming for 50 years. That means that listeners in the region have been coming forward to support their public radio station during those years. Why wouldn’t you want your business to reach that sort of audience? But there’s more to it than that! Here are some great reasons to consider underwriting on Public Radio 90:
1. Underwriting singles you out
Underwriting on Public Radio 90 places you and your product or service in a unique position by clearly separating your name from the clutter inherent in commercial advertising. Just as you, the underwriter, supports Public Radio 90, Public Radio 90's loyal listeners will support you. 88% of NPR listeners say their opinion of a company is more positive when they discover the company supports public radio.
2. You can reach a specific target audience
Public Radio 90 offers you the chance to contribute to one or more of our various funds, allowing you the freedom to select the programming that will most economically reach your segment of the market with the greatest potential. When asked to name companies that support NPR, 51% of listeners recall at least one.
3. Underwriting identifies your company as socially aware
An association with Public Radio 90, with its long-standing reputation for social responsibility, identifies your company as a civic and community-minded organization with an interest in the public that goes beyond simply selling a product or service. Your contribution does double-duty—your name reaches the ears of decision-makers and is supporting a service they are passionate about.
For more information, e-mail Tammy Wixtrom-Johnson at or call (800)-227-WNMU (9668).
Underwriting on Public Radio 90 comes in two basic forms: Day Sponsors and Program Underwriting. We can devote your contribution to all Day Sponsors, all Program Underwriting, or a combination of the two. We’ll work with you to design a package to fit both your needs and your budget. Underwriting on Public Radio 90 is the right way to reach adults in the Upper Peninsula and northeast Wisconsin!
Day Sponsor Packages
Announcements for Day Sponsor underwriters are aired 10 times each day on the days you select. A maximum of three underwriters are announced at one time, and competing businesses will not be aired together. Day Sponsors are especially effective for date-specific events, but can also be an effective general message support. All underwriting on Public Radio 90 qualifies as a deduction on state and federal taxes.
Program Underwriting Packages
When underwriting a specific program, your business announcement is aired twice during each selected program. A maximum of two underwriters are announced at one time, and competing businesses will not be aired together. With Program Underwriting, you can aim for a specific target audience and provide a great service to the community. Like Day Sponsorships, Program Underwriting on Public Radio 90 qualifies as a deduction on your state and federal taxes.
Political Underwriting
Click here for WNMU-FM's Political Underwriting policy
For more information, e-mail Tammy Wixtrom-Johnson at or call (800)-227-WNMU (9668).