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UPHS-Marquette and NMU Foundation reach tentative agreement on use of former hospital buildings

MARQUETTE, MI— The Northern Michigan University Foundation says it has reached a tentative agreement with UPHS-Marquette regarding the potential use of former Marquette General Hospital buildings on College Avenue.

The following is a release from Dave Nyberg, Foundation executive director of business engagement and economic development:

The Northern Michigan University Foundation (NMUF) has entered into an agreement with UP Health System – Marquette (UPHSM) designed to catalyze resources and additional partnerships that will advance opportunities to realize the best use of the former hospital property.  We are collectively working with UPHSM and the City of Marquette, Marquette County, and private sector partners to conduct due diligence on the viability of a partnership that would result in a transformational and mutually beneficial outcome for our community and Northern Michigan University.

The NMUF-UPHSM agreement includes a due diligence and planning period that anticipates a decision on potential future plans by Spring, 2022.  As part of that due diligence process, NMUF has submitted an application to the Marquette Brownfield Redevelopment Authority’s Local Brownfield Revolving Fund for consideration of investment support for Brownfield Eligible Activities, such as a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), a Limited Phase II ESA, a Hazardous Materials Assessment, etc.

UPHS-Marquette released the following response:

UP Health System – Marquette is excited to have reached a tentative agreement with the Northern Michigan University (NMU) Foundation to transfer the previously occupied hospital property on College Avenue. All along, our goal has been to identify the right organization to redevelop this property in the best interest of the surrounding neighborhoods and the community we serve – and we look forward to seeing this campus revitalized. More work needs to be done, but we remain focused on the due diligence process and thoughtful approach to this significant project.

Public Radio 90 will have additional details on the agreement and the project as they come to light.

Nicole was born near Detroit but has lived in the U.P. most of her life. She graduated from Marquette Senior High School and attended Michigan State and Northern Michigan Universities, graduating from NMU in 1993 with a degree in English.