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MNA says Soo hospital engaging in unfair labor practices

SAULT STE. MARIE, MI— The Michigan Nurses Association has filed unfair labor practice charges against My Michigan Medical Center Sault.

The union says the hospital:

· Illegally surveilled nurses at their informational picket on March 12, assigning an excessive number of security guards who stood watching them in hospital doorways and continuously circled the event in a van

· Is bargaining in bad faith by suddenly changing the rules so they don’t have to pay nurses for shifts when they accidentally missed punching in or attended a required staff meeting on their time off

· Illegally threatened and retaliated against the union president for bringing an unfair labor practice charge by serving her a subpoena for her personal phone and all correspondence between her and federal investigators.

“We are sick of MyMichigan executives treating us with disrespect and trying to intimidate us,” said Madeline Malysa, RN. “Nurses are fighting back because we care so much about our hospital and the community. We won’t stand for the way MyMichigan big shots in Midland are trying to tear us down. They need to know they are not above the law.”

MNA nurses will hold a five-day strike in demand of a fair contract beginning Monday.

Both sides met Wednesday for a 14th session of bargaining, but did not reach agreement.

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Nicole was born near Detroit but has lived in the U.P. most of her life. She graduated from Marquette Senior High School and attended Michigan State and Northern Michigan Universities, graduating from NMU in 1993 with a degree in English.