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Court says state can't enforce shorter medical marijuana deadline

LANSING, MI (MPRN)--   A court has ruled the state cannot enforce a shortened deadline for medical marijuana businesses to get their state licenses.

This means all medical marijuana provisioning centers which were in danger of being told to shut down on Thursday, can stay up and running.

The state had moved up a December 15th licensing deadline to October 31st.

Jeff Hank of MI Legalize says this is an example of checks and balances at its best.

“The judicial branch saved safe patient access and the continued payment by cannabis tax payers for the state of Michigan which benefits the entire state,” he says.

In Lansing ALL medical marijuana provisioning centers were going to be shut down because none have yet received city approval. Local approval is needed before state go ahead.

Will Thatcher was at Greenwave Provisioning Center in the city before the doors opened this morning to stock up in case of a shutdown.

“Medical marijuana has helped my lower back. It has helped me to do better at my job and it doesn’t affect my performance whatsoever,” says Thatcher.

Any upcoming closure deadlines will be debated during a November hearing. 

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