Upper Great Lakes News, Music, and Arts & Culture

"1st to Finish" program funded for MAPS district

MARQUETTE, MI--   The Community Foundation of Marquette County has given a financial gift to the Education Foundation for Marquette Public Schools. 

Officials say $10,000 is going to the schools’ “1st to Finish” Children’s Savings Account program. It aims to support savings accounts for first graders in the school district. Community Foundation CEO Gail Anthony says studies show children with even a small savings account are more likely to attend and graduate from college, and have healthier credit as adults.

To help accounts grow, accountholders receive incentives such as initial deposits and savings matches from third parties. Family, friends and the children themselves also make contributions.

The “1st to Finish” program will open a savings account in the name of each participating first grader. Funds can be used for any qualifying career or educational expenses after high school.

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Nicole was born near Detroit but has lived in the U.P. most of her life. She graduated from Marquette Senior High School and attended Michigan State and Northern Michigan Universities, graduating from NMU in 1993 with a degree in English.