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Proposal 3 passes, enshrines abortions rights in Michigan Constitution

ANN ARBOR, MI (MPRN)— Michigan voters enshrined abortion access and broad reproductive rights in the state constitution in Tuesday's election.

The passage of Proposal 3 also nullifies a 1931 state law criminalizing abortion.

Doctor Audrey Lance is an OB-GYN at Northland Family Planning, an abortion clinic in Metro Detroit. She says this will give patients and providers certainty that abortion will remain legal in the state.

"I am just so glad that this is just going to be taken out of that limbo situation, and that patients don't have to worry from moment to moment."

Opponents of the amendment attacked it as "radical" and "extreme," claiming it could allow abortions beyond the point of fetal viability, and possibly overturn a state law requiring parental consent for minors.

Supporters of Prop 3 deny those claims.

The exact parameters of the broad language in the amendment will likely be defined by the courts.

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