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Former Chicago mayor to visit Marquette

MARQUETTE, MI (AP)--   Long-serving ex-Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley is visiting Marquette in June to address a conference on regional cooperation to protect the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River system environment. 

Daley will give the keynote address at the 10th annual conference of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative. The nonprofit coalition focuses on protecting and restoring the water system.

The conference runs June 19-21 in the Upper Peninsula city. Daley's speech is June 20.

Organizers say about 100 municipalities in eight states and two Canadian provinces are represented in the coalition. They say Daley was one of its founders.

The 70-year-old Daley was Chicago's mayor from 1989 to 2011, when Rahm Emanuel succeeded him.

Nicole was born near Detroit but has lived in the U.P. most of her life. She graduated from Marquette Senior High School and attended Michigan State and Northern Michigan Universities, graduating from NMU in 1993 with a degree in English.