Upper Great Lakes News, Music, and Arts & Culture

Michigan's Drunk Driving Audit released

(UNDATED)- The 2011 Michigan Drunk Driving Audit shows declines in alcohol- and drug-related crashes, fatalities and injuries.

Overall, deaths resulting from alcohol and/or drug-related crashes decreased by 10.6-percent, from 357 in 2010 to 319 in 2011, while injuries fell from 6,175 to 6,086.

Traffic fatalities involving drugs fell almost 17-percent, from 153 deaths in 2010 to 127 in 2011, while fatalities involving alcohol declined 3 percent, from 283 to 274.

In many cases, deaths involved both alcohol and drugs and are counted in each category.

Prior to 2011’s decrease, drug-involved traffic fatalities had increased by nearly 30-percent over the past five years.

As part of an effort to address this issue, Michigan trained 15 Drug Recognition Experts (D-R-E) last year.

‘D-R-Ss’ are trained to recognize signs of impairment in drivers under the influence of drugs other than, or in addition to, alcohol… and to identify the category or categories of drugs causing the impairment.

A second group of 13 officers completed training in 2012, and a third class is planned for 2013.

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Hans Ahlström is the host of several programs including the daily musical variety show Weekday, the mostly straight ahead jazz show Night Studio, the self explanatory Blues Today, and the eclectic Sound Spectrum. You can also hear Hans as the local host of NPR's All Things Considered news magazine. He also helps manage Public Radio 90's web content, interviews local and visiting writers and artists, works with NMU student interns, and writes the occasional news story.