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Lawmakers introduce controversial no-fault changes

LANSING, MI (MPRN)--   State lawmakers will start debating controversial changes to Michigan’s no-fault auto insurance system this week.  

State House Insurance Committee Chair Pete Lund introduced the legislation Tuesday.  He says he expects to hold several committee hearings on the issue to give lawmakers time to understand and discuss it.

“I don’t know if in their time in Lansing they’re ever going to have an issue that’s quite as complicated as this," he says.  "And there’s so many different pieces involved that it’s really going to take time for people to sit down, look it over, and figure it out.”

Michigan is the only state in the country that offers lifetime unlimited health benefits for people severely injured in auto-related accidents. The legislation would cap those benefits at $1 million. It would also require auto insurance companies to reduce their premiums by $125 in the first year.