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Snyder shakes up state energy agency

LANSING, MI (MPRN)--   There’s been a shakeup at the agency responsible for Michigan energy policy. 

People are being re-assigned as the agency’s leader leaves state government for the private sector. Sources inside and outside the Snyder administration say the departure of Valerie Brader makes the timing right for a re-organization.

Governor Rick Snyder has signed an executive order re-assigning staff to the state Public Service Commission. That’s the agency that regulates utilities in Michigan.

Nicholas Assendfelt is with the energy agency.

“It’s just a re-organization a little bit in terms of who’s under which umbrella, but the energy issues and missions are still our priority,” he says.

James Clift is with the Michigan Environmental Council. He says the re-organization makes sense.  

“The agency did serve a purpose,” he says. “For the past year, it has been doing a lot of work implementing Michigan’s new clean energy law. But that work is mostly completed, and now we’re getting into the stage where the commission will be making the decisions.”

Department of Natural Resources Director Keith Creigh has also been named by Snyder to replace Brader as co-chair of the Michigan Pipeline Safety Advisory Board. 

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