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Republican legislature seeks to influence ballot measures in lame duck session

LANSING, MI (MPRN)--   The midterm election might not be the final word on ballot initiatives that were passed. 

Republicans in the state Legislature are trying to reshape some of the measures.

While not a direct change to the redistricting measure, one bill would add restrictions and definitions to the initiative. For example, it would prohibit anyone who is a member of a political party from providing any service to the commission.

Katie Fahey is the leader of the group behind the ballot measure. She says the timing of the bills is a problem.

“If they are trying to pass this for the right reason, then do so next year with people who are elected but also when people can come and have full hearings and talk about the change themselves,” she says.

Another bill would change the measure that legalizes recreational marijuana. It would prevent people from growing marijuana in their homes.

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