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WIC program has about 30 days, officials say

LANSING, MI (AP)--   The state of Michigan says there is enough money to keep providing healthy food to low- and moderate-income pregnant women and children for about a month. 

Earlier this week Governor Rick Snyder's administration expressed concerned that federal funding might only last for 10 days due to the partial shutdown of the federal government. But the state Department of Community Health says "spend forward" money and reallocated funding will sustain the program for four to five weeks.

The Women, Infants and Children, or WIC, program provides food and baby formula to women and children up to age 5.

More than half of the babies born in Michigan are enrolled in the program.

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Nicole was born near Detroit but has lived in the U.P. most of her life. She graduated from Marquette Senior High School and attended Michigan State and Northern Michigan Universities, graduating from NMU in 1993 with a degree in English.