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Saugeen-Ojibway reject proposed nuclear waste site

MOUNT PLEASANT, MI (MPRN)--   A proposed nuclear waste site on the shores of Lake Huron in Canada has been voted down by the Native tribe that owns the land.  

The Saugeen-Ojibway Nation, on whose land the nuclear storage site was proposed, voted overwhelmingly to oppose the placement of the site on their territory. 

Fred Kuntz is a spokesperson for Ontario Power Generation, which proposed the storage site.

“The decision was clear from Saugeen-Ojibway nation  and OPG respects that decision. Next steps include moving forward to find an alternate solution.”

Kuntz says the company believes a deep repository is the only long term solution to nuclear waste. 

A spokesperson for the Saugeen-Ojibway called the decision a “historic milestone and momentous victory” in the exercise of Aboringinal Treaty Rights. 

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