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Eat only one serving of Lake Superior smelt per month, MDHHS says

LANSING, MI— The state health department is recommending people eat no more than one serving per month of Lake Superior smelt, due to elevated levels of PFOS.

A serving size is 8 ounces for adults and 2 to 4 ounces for children.

PFOS are part of a group of substances called “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down in the environment.

The precautionary guideline was first issued last March, when the Wisconsin DNR showed elevated PFOS levels in Lake Superior rainbow smelt. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services decided to match Wisconsin’s guidance. Later in 2021 the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy collected smelt from various part of the lake. Officials say PFOS levels in Michigan smelt match those from Wisconsin.

Analysis of the fish for other contaminants of concern is still underway. Until all data is available, MDHHS recommends that the guideline of one serving per month remain in place for smelt from Lake Superior.

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Nicole was born near Detroit but has lived in the U.P. most of her life. She graduated from Marquette Senior High School and attended Michigan State and Northern Michigan Universities, graduating from NMU in 1993 with a degree in English.