Upper Great Lakes News, Music, and Arts & Culture

Northern Arts & Culture: Bernie Park at Zero Degrees Gallery

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Bernie Park at Zero Degrees Gallery
Zero Degrees Gallery

Painting a sense of tranquility

The Upper Peninsula landscape is inspiring to many. This includes Bernie Park, who is the visiting artist at Zero Degrees Gallery in March 2022. He enjoys capturing the tranquility of nature, through the medium of oil paint.

Bernie's enjoyment of the Upper Peninsula's woodlands and water inspires him to paint the mood and atmosphere of his natural surroundings. He chooses only the natural landscape elements, without animals, buildings, or other spectacles. With this technique, his paintings aim to bring a viewer closer to the tranquility which inspires him.

Bernie Park with his display at the gallery
Zero Degrees Gallery

Bernie spoke with Kurt Hauswirth by phone about what is currently on display in the gallery:

A conversation with Bernie Park and Marc Himes

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The Artist Reception for Bernie Park's display takes place Saturday, March 12th, from 1-4 pm EST.

For more information, visit zerodegreesgallery.org.

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Kurt lives in Marquette with his family and can’t imagine living anywhere else. He loves music, games, running, being near water, and a fine cold brew coffee.