Ed McKenna’s journey to becoming a novelist began with a short story that captured the imagination of judges at the Write Michigan short story contest in 2015. Out of 750 entrants, McKenna emerged as the winner, and that success inspired him to expand his short story into a full-length novel. The result is "The Query," the first installment in a planned three-part series. Recently, McKenna shared insights about the book and the process of crafting its high-stakes, suspenseful narrative.
The title of McKenna’s novel, The Query, refers to a critical part of the publishing process: the query letter. Aspiring authors use query letters to pitch their manuscripts to literary agents, and McKenna highlights the significance of this often-overlooked step in his story.
“A query is basically saying, ‘Here’s the premise of my story, here’s my background, and here’s why I think my book fits into the market,’” McKenna explains. It’s a process filled with hope and rejection—themes that underpin the tension in the book.

The protagonist of The Query is Herb Keeler, a successful yet controversial literary agent known for his sharp eye for talent and scathing rejection letters. Herb’s life takes a dramatic turn when he becomes the target of an anonymous captor who traps him in his home, threatening his life with a bomb rigged to explode if he tries to escape. Over 24 hours, Herb must navigate a psychological and physical battle of wits with his captor, all while a hurricane looms ominously over his Oyster Bay, NY, home.
McKenna’s plot combines elements of suspense and morality, leaving readers questioning the actions of both Herb and his captor. “Revenge is the obvious motivator here,” McKenna notes. “But does threatening someone’s life and destroying their possessions justify the wrong that was done to them?” These questions challenge readers to grapple with issues of justice and retribution.
Herb Keeler is far from a one-dimensional character. While he is portrayed as a high-achieving but condescending figure, readers also see his tender side through his relationship with his dog, Reese. Herb’s love for Reese provides a window into his humanity, illustrating the complexity of his character.
“Herb’s a bit of a snob,” McKenna admits, “but he’s also someone who supports local animal shelters with both time and financial donations.” This juxtaposition of traits makes Herb a relatable and compelling figure, as he navigates the impossibility of his situation and fights to survive.
Listen to Kurt Hauswirth's interview with Ed McKenna:
At its heart, The Query is a story about morality and the choices that shape who we are. Both Herb and his captor are shaped by their pasts, which influence their present actions. McKenna points out, “There’s a little bit of good and a little bit of bad in each of them,” creating a nuanced narrative where readers must decide for themselves who—if anyone—is justified.
The Query is just the beginning of a larger narrative. The second book in the series, "The Grand Secret," continues the story, with a third installment, "The Process," planned for the future. McKenna is focusing on promoting the first two books before completing the trilogy.
Readers can find The Query under McKenna’s pen name, E.P. McKenna, on Amazon, Kindle, Audible, and Barnes & Noble. The audiobook features a narration by Jody Knol, which McKenna praises as a standout performance.