Upper Great Lakes News, Music, and Arts & Culture

NMU to "Power" next year's UP 200

MARQUETTE, MI— Northern Michigan University will be a Gold Sled Sponsor of the UP 200 Sled Dog Race next year.

That means it has naming rights for the event. The official name for the 2023 race will be “UP200—Powered by NMU.”

University officials say the new partnership will enhance volunteer, service-learning, and participation opportunities for NMU students, faculty and staff. It also aims to elevate the event’s branding and marketing efforts through related in-kind services and financial support.

Many of the 800 to 900 volunteers needed for the UP 200, Midnight Run and Jack Pine 30 races are Northern students. The Pre-Vet Club helps conduct vet checks on the Jack Pine dogs, and half the board members of the Upper Peninsula Sled Dog Association are NMU alumni.

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Nicole was born near Detroit but has lived in the U.P. most of her life. She graduated from Marquette Senior High School and attended Michigan State and Northern Michigan Universities, graduating from NMU in 1993 with a degree in English.