new Michigan Tech tick study
TRAVERSE CITY, MI (AP)-- A newly published report says powerful wind gusts linked to global warming are harming water quality in Lake Erie and perhaps…
LANSING, MI (MPRN)-- Governor Gretchen Whitmer is part of a panel that will testify Wednesday before a U.S. Senate committee on climate change and…
LANSING, MI (MPRN)-- Governor Gretchen Whitmer presented her budget proposal to state lawmakers Thursday, setting the stage for a new round of bargaining…
MANISTEE, MI (AP)-- High water levels are wreaking havoc in the Great Lakes.The five inland seas are bursting at the seams during the region's wettest…
How do we change the conversation surrounding climate change? By examining and relating to the people and places we love. Forest Roberts Theatre & Dance…
MARQUETTE, MI-- Young people and adults in the City of Marquette are joining millions of people around the world in a “climate strike” Friday.Started by…
A discussion of efforts to establish a community home front in response to climate change and its effects. Recorded on the occasion of a October meeting…
COLUMBUS, OH (AP)-- Climate change may be harming yellow perch, the most popular sport fish in Lake Erie.A newly released study by Ohio State University…