Talking with conductor and music director Octavio Más-Arocas
Discussing the upcoming concert with conductor and music director Octavio Más-Arocas
A talk with conductor and music director Octavio Más-Arocas and soloist Jay Julio about the January 20th concert
A talk with Octavio about the October 7th concert
Interview with music director and conductor Octavio Más-Arocas
A chat with Music Director and Conductor Octavio Más-Arocas
Music Director and Conductor Octavio Mas-Arocas discusses repertoire
Musical Director and Principal Conductor Octavio Más-Arocas returns to the podium for the 26th season.
Music Director Octavio Mas-Arocas previews this weekends season opener
A conversation with the Music Director and Conductor of the MSO