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More PFAS contamination than previously known, report says

MT. PLEASANT, MI (MPRN)--   A new report shows three times as many PFAS contamination sites across the country than was previously reported.

The report, from the Environmental Working Group, found roughly 610 PFAS contaminated sites across the country.

In July of 2018 the group reported 172 sites. Researchers say the new report drew from a new source - meaning the data isn’t directly comparable.

PFAS, or perfluoroalkyl substances, are a family of chemicals that have been found across the state and are linked to health problems including cancer.

Bill Walker is with the Environmental Working Group. He says Michigan has the highest number of contamination sites with 192, but that is largely due to the high level of testing taking place in the state.

“Michigan has tested drinking water systems, private wells, surface water, lakes and rivers, and I really haven’t seen anything of this scope in any other state.”

Walker says he believes the report shows that increased testing for PFAS contamination is likely to keep revealing more sites nationwide.

The Environmental Working Group is calling on the EPA to set a drinking water standard for PFAS of 1 part per trillion—70 times lower than the current health advisory level.

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