Upper Great Lakes News, Music, and Arts & Culture

Sailors prepare for 105th annual Race to Mackinac

CHICAGO (AP) — Thousands of sailors are getting ready for this weekend's Race to Mackinac (MAK'-ih-naw), a 333-mile sailboat race across Lake Michigan.
The Chicago-to-Mackinac Island, Mich. race begins Saturday, although some boats in a "cruising division" set sail Friday.
In its 105th year, the competition is the oldest annual freshwater distance race in the world. This year, 350 boats are set to participate in the around-the-clock challenge.
Most boats finish in 40 to 60 hours, but the record was set in 2002 when a team finished in 23 hours and 30 minutes.
In 2011, the race was marred by the deaths of two crew members when their Kiwi 35-foot sport boat capsized during a storm.

(photo courtsey of mlive.com)  

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Hans Ahlström is the host of several programs including the daily musical variety show Weekday, the mostly straight ahead jazz show Night Studio, the self explanatory Blues Today, and the eclectic Sound Spectrum. You can also hear Hans as the local host of NPR's All Things Considered news magazine. He also helps manage Public Radio 90's web content, interviews local and visiting writers and artists, works with NMU student interns, and writes the occasional news story.