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Nassar response bills expected to leave committee this week

LANSING, MI (MPRN)--   This week lawmakers in Lansing plan to move legislation aimed at improving the state’s sexual assault laws. 

It comes after weeks of discussion on more than 30 bills.

The bills would do things like require sexual assault and dating violence be taught during sex education in high school and increase penalties for people that are required to report suspected child abuse, but don’t.

Representative Klint Kesto is chair of the committee that is reviewing all of the bills. He’s not giving any details about what the legislation will look like when they get out of his committee.

“Frankly we’re ganna have a good, solid, strong package. And stay tuned for some of the changes.”

The legislation is in response to the Larry Nassar case. Nassar is the former Michigan State University sports doctor who sexually assaulted his patients under the guise of treatment for years.

A part of the package would get rid of governmental immunity in some circumstances for sexual misconduct. But this legislation might not pass out of committee. It’s received pushback from several groups, including universities and the Michigan Chamber of Commerce.

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