In their 29th season, the Pine Mountain Music Festival returns with "Classic Roots, Fresh Growth." This festival brings classical and world music to the communities of Marquette, Iron Mountain, Crystal Falls, Houghton/Hancock and Calumet.
This year, multiple performers of numerous talent bring music to the Upper Great Lakes region. The resident classical group, the Bergonzi String Quartet, morphs into The Bergonzi Trio, bringing Scott Flavin and Ross Harbaugh back along with pianist Lindsay Garritson. Another addition to the Festival lineup is well known in traditional, world, and choral music, with Moira Smiley performing along with guitarist/accompanist Jefferson Hamer, a singer/songwriter and talent in his own right.
Along with those acts, the UPstarts also return, but in a new format; youth performers will be joined by world-class musicians through mentoring and touring together. The new iteration of UPstarts will also perform a free concert at Marquette's Presque Isle Bandshell, as a finale of Marquette's Artweek celebrations.

Kurt Hauswirth spoke with the director of the festival, Douglas Day, about the excitement being generated for this year's festival:

For the full schedule of events, locations and more information about this year's Pine Mountain Music Festival, head to