Based on the novel and the hit-movie of the same name, this musical chronicles the journey of the famously perky Elle Woods, a fashion-savvy, UCLA sorority girl who finds her life turned upside down when she is dumped by her longtime boyfriend, Warner, for not being “serious” enough. Determined to show him that she can be both fabulous and smart, Elle follows Warner to Harvard Law School, where she initially struggles to fit in with her navy-wearing, East Coast classmates. However, with the help of her sorority sisters and her new friends Emmett and Paulette, Elle discovers that maybe she does have what it takes to succeed at Harvard… and she doesn’t need to sacrifice her delightfully pink personality to do it, either!
We spoke with the director of SAY Theater's "Legally Blonde The Musical Jr." and Petra Frazier, one of the principle players:
Performances take place July 16 - 20, 2019, with an opening night party on Tuesday July 16. For more information, visit For tickets, visit