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NMU numbers up

MARQUETTE, MI--   New student enrollment at Northern Michigan University is up 9.9 percent this fall, according to the 10th Day Enrollment Report.

Officials say that’s due to a second consecutive year of growth in first-time freshmen and a significant boost in transfer students. The number of new freshmen has increased by 107, or 7.1 percent. Transfers have increased by 81, or nearly 20 percent.

Northern’s traditional student headcount is 7,595, down 17 students because of a smaller senior class. Officials say that number jumps to 13,374 learners overall when the university’s Educational Access Network, continuing education and Middle College programs, and Public Safety Institute are also taken into account.

Other positives in the report include higher enrollment from other states and an increase in student credit-hour production.

Nicole was born near Detroit but has lived in the U.P. most of her life. She graduated from Marquette Senior High School and attended Michigan State and Northern Michigan Universities, graduating from NMU in 1993 with a degree in English.