Public Radio 90 is pleased to highlight special programming, airing between the end of June and the Fourth of July:
*During the week leading up to the Fourth of July, Public Radio 90 will air special programming during the 10pm hour (Michigan Radio's Stateside will be off during the week):
- Monday, June 29 - Talking to White Kids About Race and Racism (repeat)
- Tuesday, June 30 - Top of Mind: How America Changed Since Its Founding
- Wednesday, July 1 - Spotlight on Indigenous Relocation
- Thursday, July 2 - Constant Wonder: Lincoln on Equality and MLK on our Founding Principles
- Friday, July 3 - The Apple Seed-Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
All programs will air at 10pm ET, and will repeat the following morning at 5am (except for Friday's program, which will repeat on Saturday morning at 7am)
Michigan Radio's Stateside will return Monday, July 6 at 10pm ET.

*On Friday, July 3, there will be additional special programming to reflect the Fourth of July holiday, observed on 7/3:
- 10am - Wind & Rhythm: Freedom and Liberty
- 11am - American Light Music
- 3pm - Folktale of Liberty
- 11pm - Freedom Jazz!
*Saturday, July 4 - A Capitol Fourth - 8pm
A Capitol Fourth, our summer July 4th tradition, returns for a special 40th anniversary presentation,
hosted by two-time Emmy Award-nominated actor and producer John Stamos and multi-platinum
recording artist and star of television, film and the Broadway stage Vanessa Williams. This year’s A CAPITOL FOURTH will feature new performances from coast to coast including Washington, D.C, New
York, Philadelphia, Nashville, Los Angeles as well as highlights from the concert’s forty-year history. For
four decades, A Capitol Fourth has paid tribute to our nation’s aspirations and the hopes and dreams of
all Americans. The 2020 concert will honor the country’s shared commitment to the 244 year-old dream
of all that America can be.