An interview with group members ahead of their October 20th concert
Talking with Oskar about how his musicianship landed him an opportunity to perform at Prague Summer Nights
A conversation with Dr. Erin Colwitz and composer Eric Banks
A talk with Dr. Barbara Rhyneer of the NMU Orchestra
Choir members miss singing with each other during the COVID-19 pandemic. But, with safety concerns and with cases of the virus rising, decisions had to be…
The NMU Choirs will present their annual concert at St. Peter Cathedral Saturday, Nov. 16 at 7:30pm. Music performed will come from composers Johannes…
Northern Michigan University's Department of Music will present the award-winning pianist Daniel Hsu, bronze medal winner at the 2017 Van Cliburn…
Next time on Peninsula Performances,The Upper Peninsula is a great place to visit, and the visiting artists featured on the program know that too. Hear…
Next time on Peninsula Performances, Bask in grandiose sounds on the program, with bands, orchestras, choirs and other large ensembles from the Upper…
The NMU Department of Music is pleased to present an NMU Symphony Orchestra concert featuring the Dutch violinist Tim Kliphuis who will be performing his…