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Music and community to sooth your blues at the Labor Day weekend Vinyl Record Show

Promotional banner for Blues Fest Vinyl Record Show
Geoff Walker/Jon Teichman/Ore Dock Brewing Company
Five days of media and culture in the Marquette area

A chat with one of the Blues Brothers of records, Jon Teichman

Marquette offers many Labor Day weekend activities...one of which includes numerous crates full of vinyl records.

Geoff and Jon's Record Show takes place August 31st through September, 4th, 2023 in the Ore Dock Brewing Company's community room. The five-day event brings boxes of physical media together with an atmosphere of community, with new and used vinyl records, CDs, posters, and more. The event is a collaboration between Ore Dock and the NMU Vinyl Record Club.

Kurt spoke with Jon Teichman about the laborious process of putting together a vinyl record show:

A conversation with Jon Teichman

Geoff and Jon's Record Show coincides with the Marquette Area Blues Fest, and the Ore Dock Brewing Company is hosting some of the musical acts throughout the weekend.

You can find more information about the event on Facebook (where you can also ask questions and request records).

Kurt lives in Marquette with his family and can’t imagine living anywhere else. He loves music, games, running, being near water, and a fine cold brew coffee.